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GCCs for the Consumer Product Safety Improvement Act

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Taro in USA

Taro manufactures prescription medications and over-the-counter (OTC) medications which are governed under CPSC regulations. For further information, please see CPSC regulations. Pursuant to the CPSIA, Taro is required to provide General Certifications of Compliance (GCCs) for certain products. The GCCs are posted below for products that Taro manufactures under its own labels and are intended for use by supply chain partners. For products manufactured under a private label name, please contact the appropriate Taro USA customer service representative for specific GCCs.

Certificates must be updated when either CPSC regulated product components or testing results of existing components are changed. The below list of GCCs will continuously be updated due to additions of new products and existing product changes.

If you have further questions, please contact Taro USA customer service. 

GCC information for Taro Rx, Taro OTC, and TPLI Rx products can be found in the following attachment.

GCC Effective Date GCC Document
July 2013 Taro GCC's July 2013.pdf
April 2011 Taro_GCC_v1.pdf
February 2010 GCC items Feb2010 _general certificates.pdf